From Village to Victory: The Inspirational Journey of Advocate Sagar Sharma, Founder of Aap Ki Adalat Law Firm and The Sagar Foundation


Advocate Sagar Sharma dreams of making legal professionalism accessible and understandable to the common people. Through his YouTube channel, he focuses on providing practical solutions to everyday legal issues faced by individuals that are often encountered by the general public. He firmly believes that understanding and educating everyone about the law is crucial to building a more just and equitable society.

Advocate Sagar Sharma: A Social Activist and Founder of Aap Ki Adalat Law Firm

Advocate Sagar Sharma: A Social Activist and Founder of Aap Ki Adalat Law Firm

Greater Noida: Born in the humble village of Bisrakh in Greater Noida, Advocate Sagar Sharma’s dreams knew no bounds. With unwavering determination and a burning desire to make a difference, he embarked on a journey that would eventually lead him to become a renowned lawyer in Delhi NCR. Meet the inspiring soul, Advocate Sagar Sharma, who has dedicated his life to working for society and uplifting the underprivileged while steadfastly opposing corruption.

Advocate Sagar Sharma: The Founder of - A Genuine Passion for Helping Those in Need

A Humble Beginning:

Growing up in the rustic charm of Bisrakh, life was far from easy for Advocate Sagar Sharma. Limited resources and challenges loomed large, but his indomitable spirit refused to be caged. Fuelled by the encouragement of his family and teachers, he pursued education with grit and perseverance.

The Pursuit of Knowledge:

Education became the guiding light that illuminated his path out of the darkness of poverty. Driven by the belief that knowledge could empower him to create change, he pursued his studies with single-minded determination. Armed with ambition and intelligence, he graduated with flying colors, leaving his village with pride in his heart and dreams in his eyes.

A Turning Point:

In the bustling city of Delhi, Advocate Sagar Sharma faced new challenges and unfamiliar surroundings. Undeterred, he enrolled in a law school, where he discovered his true calling. The world of justice and the opportunity to fight for the rights of the oppressed resonated deeply with him. It was then that the seeds of his future as a lawyer were sown.

The Road to Success:

With a passion for the law and a vision for social change, Advocate Sagar Sharma excelled in his legal studies. Despite being a first-generation lawyer, he surpassed all expectations, earning accolades and respect from peers and professors alike. His sharp legal acumen and unwavering dedication quickly earned him recognition as a promising legal mind.

A Beacon of Hope for the Needy:

As Advocate Sagar Sharma embarked on his legal career, he vowed to use his knowledge and skills to help those who had little or no access to justice. He chose to advocate for the poor, the downtrodden, and the marginalized, becoming a powerful voice for the voiceless. His courtroom battles were not just about winning cases; they were about fighting for justice and empowering those in need.

Founding Aap Ki Adalat Law Firm:

Inspired by his vision for justice, Advocate Sagar Sharma founded Aap Ki Adalat Law Firm. Through this firm, he aimed to provide top-notch legal assistance to people across the country. The firm’s website,, served as a platform to connect with clients seeking reliable and ethical legal representation.

Against Corruption:

With a fervent belief in integrity and transparency, Advocate Sagar Sharma stood firmly against corruption. He recognized that corruption perpetuates poverty and hinders progress. Unyielding in his resolve, he took on cases that exposed corruption at various levels, challenging the status quo and holding the guilty accountable.

YouTube:- Adv Sagar Sharma
FACEBOOK:- Adv Sagar Sharma

Sagar Foundation: Making a Difference on the Ground:

As a true testament to his commitment to social causes, Advocate Sagar Sharma founded the Sagar Foundation. This non-governmental organization (NGO) focuses on executing various initiatives aimed at improving the lives of the less fortunate.

Feeding the Needy and Empowering Through Education:

The Sagar Foundation conducts regular food distribution drives to combat hunger and malnutrition among vulnerable communities. These drives ensure that those in need receive nutritious meals, leaving no one to sleep on an empty stomach. Additionally, the foundation establishes schools, learning centers, and scholarship programs to empower underprivileged children with knowledge and skills for a brighter future.

Spreading Awareness:

The Sagar Foundation conducts awareness programs on crucial issues like health, hygiene, environmental conservation, and gender equality. Through workshops and seminars, Advocate Sagar Sharma and his team empower communities to make informed choices and take charge of their lives.

Recognized and Admired:

Advocate Sagar Sharma’s dedication to social work has earned him admiration and respect from all quarters. His tireless efforts and compassionate approach have touched the lives of numerous beneficiaries, making him a true role model.


Born in a small village and rising to become a prominent lawyer in Delhi NCR, Advocate Sagar Sharma’s journey is a testament to the power of determination and dreams. With a heart for society and a will to make a difference, he stands as a symbol of hope for those seeking justice and change. As he continues to fight for the marginalized and against corruption, he remains an inspiration for all, proving that where you come from does not define where you can reach. The young boy from Bisrakh has become a guiding light of hope and justice for all.

About The Author

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