Meet 20 Rising Authors Of 2022 -Dhruvisha Pankhaniya


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Dhruvisha Pankhaniya from Rajkot, Gujarat. She is a very enthusiastic person in the Field of writing the story and photography.  She is holding a state-level photography certificate in the year 2018. She is very sensitive by nature.

And pursuing her study of BSC in the science stream. She is very creative and

Innocent by nature and heart. In writing the book she is a newcomer but still, she Writes better. Her future goal is to become a professor in chemistry. And to make Poor people literate. She is very attractive and is likes to play musical instruments. She used to do the drawing. She likes to play badminton. She is an NSS candidate and a nature club candidate. She is a social worker.

She is a dog lover. She is like a twinkle twinkle little star of the future. She is the heroine of her own life.

Karma means our ability to create and to change.

Karma is creative because

we can determine how and why we act in any situation.

The change we can make in future
is in our hand and it is in the hand of our heart.
Karma is Nature law,
Karma is an artist.
Karma is composer,
Karma is choreographer like dancer.

About The Author

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